Andre Ulloa, Partner and Executive Advisor at M&A Healthcare Advisors, shares part 2 of our 2022 transactional outlook covering four main Pharmacy segments: Specialty, Community Retail, Long Term Care, and Infusion.

M&A Healthcare Advisors has released the second video in its Transactional Outlook series. In the most recent video, company Partner & Executive Advisor Andre Ulloa focuses on four types of pharmacy. Ulloa provided the firm’s 2022 outlook for specialty, community retail, long-term care and infusion pharmacy. “Specialty pharmacy valuations have remained stable in recent years in spite of downward pressure on sales, gross margin and net income,” Ulloa said. While certain segments of the pharmacy market remain strong, not all of them have fared as well recently. “Long-term care pharmacies have experienced one of the steepest valuation declines in recent years as a result of COVID and home-based care,” Ulloa noted.