Meet with Mark Thomas and Andre Ulloa of M&A Healthcare Advisors for cocktails and networking during the Asembia Specialty Pharmacy Summit in Las Vegas.
Asembia Specialty Pharmacy Summit
Wednesday, October 27th
Cipriani (Wynn Las Vegas)
Interested in attending? RSVP to Mark Thomas at [email protected]

Meet with M&A Healthcare Advisors at the Asembia Specialty Pharmacy Summit
Are you looking to network with industry leaders in healthcare M&A?
Would you like to learn more about selling or buying a healthcare business?
You’re invited to meet with Mark Thomas and Andre Ulloa of M&A Healthcare Advisors at Cipriani (Wynn Las Vegas) on 10/27 between 4-6pm. Enjoy a cocktail and casual conversation regarding the healthcare M&A landscape.
For more information please email Mark Thomas at [email protected]