Video: Big M&A Questions: Part 1

Why Do I Need An Advisor?

The bottom line is that selling a company is very challenging. If you haven’t been through an M&A process there tends to be this misconception that it is like selling real estate. There is so much to it, on top of the fact that you have to continue to run your business.

What are the differences between a “finder” and an “advisor”?

What we feel is important when you are selecting someone to help you through the process is finding someone that is going to be really involved with you, someone that will become an expert on your business – someone that you can call at any time, you can email at any time and will be right back in touch with you.

Vetting buyers, knowing the buyer community is very important.

Understanding what tools advisors use to not only understand who the buyer universe is but also how to present your materials in terms of what your business is and how to put you in the best light.

We try to employ resources that you may not have such as transactional attorneys or transactional CPAs – having knowledge of the industry in general and being able to make suggestions as to how better operate to make your business more attractive in the market.

Probably the most important thing is managing emotions and being able to anticipate the twists and turns of the process. So many of the clients that we work with have built their lives around their businesses and the eventuality of that business selling and all of the pressures around the transaction can really be, in many respects, overwhelming.

We work through the process one day at a time and ultimately our objective is to be with you every step of the way and the conclusion of that is a successful outcome.

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