“Join us at the Home Health Summit to learn steps you can take to maximize the valuation of your healthcare business.” – Andre Ulloa, Partner & Executive Advisor, M&A Healthcare Advisors.

2022 Home Health Administrator’s Summit
May 2-4, 2022
Paris Hotel, Las Vegas
Mike Moran & Andre Ulloa to Present “Increase the Value of Your Agency, Prepare for the Future”
Gain useful insights for adding value to your home care agency. You’ll get an update on the home health transaction market, including market comps, valuation methodology, and valuation multiples.
You’ll walk away with a clear view of what buyers are looking for in an agency, common (but avoidable) pitfalls agencies face in due diligence, and the types of buyers that are active as well as evolving trends in the home health M&A space.
Attendees will also learn how to best prepare for a sale or transition and get answers to commonly asked questions before and during the M&A process.